I love the cowboy boots and a cute summer dress trend going on now.....if done right. It can really come together as a nice outfit, with great contrast in style without looking too cheesy.
Here's what I mean...

Platinum Blonde Life shows us how to pull the look together.
Ok, this is just a redonkulously adorable idea!!
Credit - Favim ...other super cute examples on their site as well
Victoria Justice
Credit - Teen Vogue

Super cute, especially with the belt. Not so much the headband...a lil too cutesy but s'all good.
Credit - Chictopia
This is the best example/inspiration of them all. I loved EVERYTHING about Blake and Miranda's Wedding.
Credit - Bridesweddingshoes
I've been on the search for the perfect floral and white summer dresses all summer long. FAIL! And now that it's almost September, and in Winnipeg, I think by time I find it, it will be summer..... nothing a layer of tights can't solve I guess!
Mental Note: Checking out the Platinum Blonde Life and Chictopia sites are now on my to do list.